Michael Eamer Jr
- Born: 20 Feb 1830, Cornwall Molinette Ontario Canada
- Marriage (1): Catherine Anne Burton in 1852 in Molinette Stormont Ontario Canada
- Died: 6 Dec 1907, Molinette Stormont Ontario Canada at age 77
- BuriedMale: Saint Lawrence Valley Cemetery, Molinette Stormont Ontario Canada Find A Grave # 238100182
General Notes:
Maria Tilton (born Eamer), 1870 - 1952 Maria Tilton was born on month day 1870, at birth place , to Michael Eamer and Catherine Anne Eamer . Maria had 10 siblings: William C Eamer , Roger Ira Eamer and 8 other siblings . Maria married Joseph Nathaniel Tilton on month day 1890, at age 19 at marriage place . They had 10 children: Irwin Tilton , Michael David Tilton and 8 other children . Isn't that incredible? Maria lived in 1871, at address . She lived in 1871, at address . She lived in 1891, at address . She lived in 1930, at address , Michigan. Maria passed away on month day 1952, at age 82 at death place , Michigan.
Michael married Catherine Anne Burton in 1852 in Molinette Stormont Ontario Canada. (Catherine Anne Burton was born on 26 Aug 1832 in Molinette Stormont Ontario Canada, died on 21 Dec 1917 in Cornwall Stormont Dundas And Glengarry United Counties Ontario Canada and was buried Saint Lawrence Valley Cemetery in Long Sault Stormont Ontario Canada Find A Grave #238100219.)