Richard Stout
- Born: 1678, MiddleTown Monmouth NJ
- Marriage (1): Mary (Marcy) Tilton on an unknown date
- Marriage (2): Esther Tilton (Tilton ) in 1698 in MiddleTown Monmouth NJ
- Died: 1749, MiddleTown Monmouth NJ at age 71
- BuriedMale: Middletown Cemetery
General Notes:
Note for: Richard Stout, 1678 - 1749 Index
Individual Note: DEATH:Application for Mary Ida Stout Rider, cd found in Automated Familytree with automate d archives, cd#113 1st edition, misc. applications Name DATE:Historical and Genealogical Miscellany, early settlers of NewJersey and their dec endants, John Stillwell, New York, 1932. VOL V, pg137 145 HISTORY: Jones, William H, William Tilton: His English Origins and SomeAmerican Descendant s, Haritage Books Inc, Maryland, (1997) pg 82
Lineages Of Members of the National Society of the Sons and Daughters ofthe Pilgrims, To J anuary i, 1929, Compiled from the OrigionalApplications, Genealogical Publishing Co. INC . Baltimore, 1988 page206 - 207
William S Hornor, THIS OLD MONMOUTH OF OURS, Clearfield Company page 181. .
Noted events in his life were:
• Residence: Monmouth N.J.
Richard married Mary (Marcy) Tilton on an unknown date. (Mary (Marcy) Tilton was born in 1681 in Middle Town NJ and died in 1702 in Middle Town NJ.)
Richard next married Esther Tilton (Tilton ), daughter of Peter Tilton and Rebecca Brazier, in 1698 in MiddleTown Monmouth NJ. (Esther Tilton (Tilton ) was born on 5 May 1678 in MiddleTown Monmouth NJ and died 1703 or 1704 in MiddleTown Monmouth NJ.)