Amos Tilton
- Born: 5 Jun 1780, Shrewbury, N.J.
- Marriage (1): Deborah Lewis on 3 Nov 1808 in Shrewbury, N.J.
- Died: 27 Jan 1827, Unknown at age 46
General Notes:
Note for: Amos Tilton, 5 Jun 1780 - 27 Jan 1827 Index Individual Note: Name DATE:Historical and Genealogical Miscellany, early settlers of NewJersey and their dec endants, John Stillwell, New York, 1932. VOL V, pg154,, 174 162 HISTORY: Jones, William H, William Tilton: His English Origins and SomeAmerican Descendant s, Haritage Books Inc, Maryland, (1997) pg 114,143 . Historical Biological Illustrated, .History of Monmouth County, New Jersy, 1664-1920, Volume 2, 1922 Lewis Historical Publishing Company; Chicago and New York , 1922. page 92.
Noted events in his life were:
• Residence: Shrewbury, N.J.
• Marriage, 1808, Unknown.
Amos married Deborah Lewis, daughter of David Lewis and Mary Patterson, on 3 Nov 1808 in Shrewbury, N.J. (Deborah Lewis was born in 1782 in Shrewbury, N.J. and died in 1843 in Unknown.)