Michael Tilton
- Born: 27 Sep 1750, Hampton N.H
- Marriage (1): Lucy Burnham in 1777 in Hampton Falls, N.H.
- Died: 15 Feb 1825, Hampton N.H at age 74
- BuriedMale: Old Cemetery
General Notes:
Note for: Michael Tilton, 27 Sep 1750 - 15 Feb 1825 Index
Individual Note: BIRTH: MARRIAGE:DEATH:Tilton, Francis Theodore, THE HISTORY OF THR TILTON FAMILY IN AMERICA. New Jersey,:1939-40. INFORMATION: Descendants of William Tilton Of Lynn Mas. Through The Lineof His Son Daniel Tilton, Barbara B. Marden, Reprinted from The EssexGenealogist p 201 MILITARY: Rev War Vet.Cpl. DAR Magazine, jan 1961 V 95, pg 99. HISTORY: Jones, William H, William Tilton: His English Origins and SomeAmerican Descendant s, Haritage Books Inc, Maryland, (1997). pg 111, 137
Noted events in his life were:
• Residence: Pittspittsfield, N.H.
Michael married Lucy Burnham, daughter of Col Jonathan Burnham and Elizabeth Proctor, in 1777 in Hampton Falls, N.H. (Lucy Burnham was born in 1754 in Hampton N.H and died on an unknown date in Unknown.)