Mary Pervear
- Born: 1747, Raymond New Hamphire
- Marriage (1): Ruben Tilton in 1767 in New Hampshire
- Died: Unknown, Unknown
General Notes:
Note for: Mary Pervear, 1738 - Index
Individual Note: INFORMATION: Descendants of William Tilton Of Lynn Mas. Through The Lineof His Son Daniel Tilton, Barbara B. Marden, Reprinted from The EssexGenealogist
BIRTH: MARRIAGE:DEATH:Tilton, Francis Theodore, THE HISTORY OF THE TILTON FAMILY IN AMERICA, New Jersey:1939-40. HISTORY: Jones, William H, William Tilton: His English Origins and SomeAmerican Descendant s, Haritage Books Inc, Maryland, (1997) pg 128 John R Eastman, HISTORYN OF THE TOWN OF ANDOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE 17O1 1906, in two parts. Rumford Publishing Co. Concord, NH. 1910. pages 357 - 307. .Notes from Carl Tilton Jan 2010 .
Noted events in her life were:
• Residence: Hampton Rockingham, N.H.
Mary married Ruben Tilton, son of Samuel Tilton and Abigail Batchelder, in 1767 in New Hampshire. (Ruben Tilton was born in 1743 in Hampton N.H and died in 1826 in Raymond New Hamphire.)