John Prescott Tilton
- Born: 1761, Plymouth Grafton NH
- Marriage (1): Jane Cass in 1820 in Sandown Roch N.H.
- Died: 1853, Sutton NH at age 92
General Notes:
Note for: John Prescott Tilton, 24 Sep 1761 - 2 Sep 1853 Index Individual Note: Richard Watson Musgrove History of the town of Bristol, Grafton County, New Hampshire R. W. Musgrove,1904 , Bristol, N.H. page 425- 427.. . INFORMATION: Descendants of William Tilton Of Lynn Mas. Through The Line of His Son Daniel Tilton, Barbara B. Marden, Reprinted from The EssexGenealogist p 96 death: New Hampshire Family Records Vol II, Willliam Copeley, Heritage books inc, pg 705-07 HISTORY: Jones, William H, William Tilton: His English Origins and SomeAmerican Descendant s, Haritage Books Inc, Maryland, (1997) pg 131, 160
Noted events in his life were:
• Residence: Sandown Roch N.H.
John married Jane Cass, daughter of Jacob Cass and Jane Bean, in 1820 in Sandown Roch N.H. (Jane Cass was born in 1800 in Andover Mass and died on 2 Sep 1853 in Sutton Merrimack NH.)