Susanna Wife # 1 Greely
- Born: 17 Nov 1750, Salisbury Maryland
- Marriage (1): Col Joseph Tilton on 8 Aug 1771 in New Hampshire
- Died: 30 Apr 1783, NH at age 32
General Notes:
Note for: Susanna Greely, 17 Nov 1750 - 30 Apr 1783 Index
Individual Note: BIRTH: MARRIAGE:DEATH:Tilton, Francis Theodore, THE HISTORY OF THE TILTON FAMILY IN AMERICA, New Jersey:1939-40. INFORMATION: Descendants of William Tilton Of Lynn Mas. Through The Lineof His Son Daniel Tilton, Barbara B. Marden, Reprinted from The EssexGenealogist p 26 MARRIAGE: BIRTH: The Ancestry of Earl Barrett Tilton 1899-, Edwin F.Lochner,Philidelphia, P A, 1983,Library of Congress Cat Card Number83-81734. BIOGRAPHY: Colonial Families of America, Ruth Lawrence, NationalAmericanaSociety, New York . Vol XI, page 340 HISTORY: Jones, William H, William Tilton: His English Origins and SomeAmerican Descendant s, Haritage Books Inc, Maryland, (1997). pg 102, 134
Noted events in her life were:
• Marriage, 1771, Unknown.
Susanna married Col Joseph Tilton, son of Timothy Tilton and Martha Boynton, on 8 Aug 1771 in New Hampshire. (Col Joseph Tilton was born on 7 Sep 1748 in East Kingston N.H. and died 1771 or 1783 in NH.)