Mary Holoway
- Born: 25 Oct 1784, Morrisville, N.J.
- Marriage (1): Rueben Tilton in 1802 in Monmouth New Jersey
- Died: 25 Apr 1827, Monmouth New Jersey at age 42
- BuriedFem: Cedarwood Cemetery, Keyport Monmouth New Jersey, Find A Grave #93099948
General Notes:
Note for: Mary Holoway, 25 Oct 1784 - 25 Apr 1827 Index Individual Note: Name DATE:Historical and Genealogical Miscellany, early settlers of NewJersey and their de cendants, John Stillwell, New York, 1932. VOL V, pg182 BIO: The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, The StandardGenealogy Encyclopdia of t he First Families of America, Fredrick AVirkus, Genealogiacal Publishing Co. Inc., Baltimore , 1987, VOL V, 1928,page 961 HISTORY: Jones, William H, William Tilton: His English Origins and SomeAmerican Descendant s, Haritage Books Inc, Maryland, (1997) pg. 150 William W Scott, HISTORY OF PASSAIC AND IT'S ENVIROMENT, VOL II, Lewis Historical Publishing Co. New York & Chicago . 1922. pages 101 to 107. /
Noted events in her life were:
• Marriage, 1802, Unknown.
Mary married Rueben Tilton, son of Jeremiah Tilton and Elizabeth Tilton, in 1802 in Monmouth New Jersey. (Rueben Tilton was born on 28 Jun 1779 in Middletown, N.J, died on 9 May 1826 in Holmdel Monmouth Co New Jersey and was buried Cedarwood Cemetery in Key Port Monmouth New Jersey, Find A Grave #92782460.)