Hannah Green #2
- Born: 14 May 1753, Hampton Falls Rockingham New Hampshire
- Marriage (1): Capt. Stephen Tilton on 21 Dec 1775 in Hampton Falls New Hampshire
- Died: After 1824, Hampden Falls Rockingham New Hampshire
General Notes:
Note for: Hannah Green, 14 May 1753 - AFT 1824 Index
Individual Note: BIRTH: MARRIAGE:DEATH:Tilton, Francis Theodore, THE HISTORY OF THE TILTON FAMILY IN AMERICA, New Jersey:1939-40. INFORMATION: Descendants of William Tilton Of Lynn Mas. Through The Lineof His Son Daniel Tilton, Barbara B. Marden, Reprinted from The EssexGenealogist p 143, 95 HISTORY: Jones, William H, William Tilton: His English Origins and SomeAmerican Descendant s, Haritage Books Inc, Maryland, (1997). pg 136. Warren Brown, :History of Hampton Falls, from the time of the first settlers within its borders 1640 - 1900 ,John B. Clark Co, Manchester, New Hampshire, 1900. . page 549. /
Noted events in her life were:
• Marriage, 1775, Hampden Falls, N.H.
Hannah married Capt. Stephen Tilton, son of Nathan Tilton and Hannah Green, on 21 Dec 1775 in Hampton Falls New Hampshire. (Capt. Stephen Tilton was born in 1748 in Hampden Falls, N.H. and died in 1842 in Hampden Falls, N.H..)